Saturday, October 20, 2012


a woman in a red wig and some of her friends sitting together outside Shakespeare & Co.

reading by window light

books for sale on the Seine

I love being surrounded by old books.  I like thinking about where they came from, their slight decay - crustily glued spines, dog-eared pages, other people's pen marks.  I even love the musty smell of old bookshops.  Similarly, I love that Paris is well worn by time and people.   

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Football Frenzy

Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots at Ralph Wilson Stadium, Buffalo, NY

I have to admit, I'm not exactly a sports-fan.  I think it comes from having failed at sports my entire life.  I was that kid - hoping, praying I wouldn't be picked last for the team....and always was. But, having finally experienced it for myself this weekend, I have to say football is kind of exciting - there is a real electrifying and contagious buzz of energy around the whole thing.