Despite the colourful strings of Christmas lights warming the cozy corners of every neighbourhood and brightly lit trees around New York, I felt compelled to take black & white photos during our visit in December. I may have been subtly influenced by the "Picasso Black and White" exhibit we saw at the Guggenheim but there was something about the way people huddled against the bone-chilling cold in their furs and hats and the mostly grey days where night seemed to come very early that made made me want to strip away colour. Also, now that I mainly shoot with a digital camera, I suddenly missed the days of loading a roll of B&W film into my camera and seeing the world in black & white for a while.
1. Salvation Army workers, Lexington Ave 2. Woman in fur stole, 5th Ave 3. Washington Square Park 4. Death Is Free 5. Late afternoon, Madison Ave 6. Sunlight, Madison Ave 7. Woman with double breasted coat, Madison Ave 8. Girl skipping on sidewalk with her mom, Upper East Side 9. Star ornament, 5th Ave 10. Men in a cigar lounge, 6th Ave 11. Traffic, 6th Ave 12. Lights like stars, 6th Ave 13. Bergdorf Goodman window 14. Radio City Music Hall 15. Hello Kitty, 6th Ave 16. New York City Santa with bling 17. View of Chrysler building from Chelsea 18. Washington Square, night 19. Crosswalk, Chelsea 20. Cheap suits, Chelsea 21. Man with furry lapels, Chelsea 22. Dresses in a shop window, West Village 23. Christmas trees for sale, West Village 24. Christmas window, West Village 25. West Village restaurant 26. Fire Escape, 8th Ave & 30th St 27. Woman near Macy's, 7th Ave 28. Woman walking, 8th Ave 29. Psychic, West Village 30. Nighttime in Soho